June 28, 2021

Covid relief 2021

Many families find themselves in financial difficulty in many remote places of Madagascar. The pandemic like everywhere else, has worsen the situation. As we know, the Mad Dog Initiative mission is to promote wildlife conservation, animal welfare, and human health in Madagascar. Due to the urgency of the situation, on June 23rd, with the help of our generous funders and partners, MDI could subside 110 families and parents of pupils of 2 primary schools in Andasibe, Madagascar on relief food supplies. The Sahavarina Primary school gathers 82 pupils while the Andasifahatelo Primary School gathers 62 pupils. By helping these schools, we also make the education of Malagasy children a priority as a Malagasy proverb says: “Ny fianarana no lova tsara indrindra”, education is the best legacy.


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